The JRSP has supported the study of art since 2008, with major donations to the University of Cambridge and the University of Victoria, as well as through its ongoing Company of Ideas Forums that take place every year on Hornby Island. In early 2017 it endowed an Educational Programme to ‘advance the understanding and appreciation of art as a source of knowledge, and to raise awareness of the art of Jeffrey Rubinoff’. This programme includes the Company of Ideas Forum, as well as an awards programme for a Postdoctoral Award, a Graduate Essay Award, and a Guest Curatorship. In addition, the Educational Programme supports the research and writing costs of an ongoing publication series on art and knowledge. In the future, a biennial lecture series and international academic conference on this topic have are also under consideration.
The Educational Programme is directed by Cambridge art historian and BBC Broadcaster Dr James Fox.
The Company of Ideas Forum
Held annually at the sculpture park
The Company of Ideas was established by Jeffrey Rubinoff in 2008 to discuss major issues relating to art and society. Of Rubinoff’s many concerns, the most fundamental related to morality and conscience. Rubinoff believed that a ‘mature individual conscience’ was not only the basis for original art but also for sustained social engagement. He was convinced that serious artists were obliged to address the biggest issues of their time, which in his view were the ‘existential threats’ of nuclear weapons and human genetic engineering. In doing so, they could influence their audience’s thinking and contribute to historical change.
Publication Series on Art as a Source of Knowledge
Publications completed on a four year cycle
Every approximately four years, the JRSP aims to complete major book manuscripts on the subject of art as a source of knowledge. These will be edited by our Educational Programme Director Dr James Fox, and will be independently researched by established scholars. Art & Knowledge will be the first in this series of major academic books. The subsequent titles and formats are still to be determined, but all will likely address the three core values or concepts that Rubinoff considers so central to art: conscience; the sacred; and awe. The publications series starting with Art & Knowledge, will likely continue with Art & Conscience, Art & the Sacred, and Art & Awe.
Rubinoff Awards Programme
Awarded Annually and Biennially
Each year the Jeffrey Rubinoff Sculpture Park will choose a Rubinoff Postdoctoral Awardee for their outstanding research in the field of Art as a Source of Knowledge. In addition there are annual and biennial awards in for artists making works inspired by the collection, an Arts Educator Support Fund and Guest Curatorships.
International Conference
To conincide with major book publications
International conferences are currently under consideration to mark the publication of each of the major books. The conference would feature papers by most of the contributors to the book, but would also be open to delegates from around the world. The purpose of the event would be to ensure that the books have field-defining impact.
Rubinoff Lecture Series
Bienially or other schedule suitable to host institution
Considered in our future plans is a Rubinoff lecture series in partnership with a major art institution that sets the activities of the JRSP in the broader context of art history. The Rubinoff Lecture will be delivered by a distinguished international name who will be chosen in consultation with the host institution. The lecture would be advertised widely and would be open to the public.
Components of the Educational Programme
The Company of Ideas Forum
Publication Series on Art as a Source of Knowledge
Rubinoff Awards Programme
International Conference
Lecture Series