More than thirty years in the making, the 200-acre Jeffrey Rubinoff Sculpture Park is home to over a hundred steel sculptures – artist Jeffrey Rubinoff’s life’s work.
“The purpose of Rubinoff’s work is to rekindle the historical spirit of modernism. In addition to viewing that work which includes the Sculpture Park itself, the goal is to revive the interdisciplinary creative impetus of early modernism and to attain the understanding of art as a serious and a credible source of special insight for the evolution of ideas.” Jeffrey Rubinoff
University of Victoria-JRSP Artist / Scholar in Residence Award | JRSP Post Doctoral Award | JRSP Educator Study Awards
The University of Victoria – JRSP Artist Scholar Residency NOW OPEN Apply Feb 5 2025
This award is to supports artists and scholars to create a work for exhibition or publication that is in some way informed by their investigation of Jeffrey Rubinoff’s work and their experience working at the sculpture park.
Spanning 2–6 weeks on Hornby Island, BC, and a week at UVic, the residency includes: access to park facilities, travel, office and studio space, a $5,000 stipend, and a suite of covered expenses. Awardees must submit a project plan for the eventual exhibition, publication, or performance of their work, engage with students and faculty at Uvic. Eligibility is based on professional or scholarly achievements in the arts. More information can be found on the Residency website of follow this link to apply. Click here for a printable JRSP Artist Residency Description. Applications due February 5th, 2025, and are reviewed by March 2025.
2024 Rubinoff Post-Doctoral Award for Research in Art as A Source of Knowledge NOW OPEN Apply by Feb 4 2024
Aimed at early career researchers anywhere in the world, Postdoctoral Awards offer $7,000 CAD (roughly $5,100 USD or £4,100) to support research leading to one or more publications on any subject relating to art and knowledge. Themes might include but are not limited to the connections between visual art and cognition/understanding; digital technology and artificial intelligence; ethical/political issues; other fields of knowledge; and the sacred or numinous. To apply, download the Postdoctoral Awards 2024 Application.
Educators Study Visit and Group Travel Support Awards – ONGOING
The Park will support applications by suitably qualified educators for financial support to visit to the park with the purpose of developing a workshop plan for tailored to a group they regularly convene, teach, or host. Travel subsidies are available as well to offset the costs of travel to Hornby Island for educational groups wishing to tour the park, study the sculpture or undertake other educational events in relation to the sculpture collection. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are tailored to the circumstances of the proposal. To inquire please email: curator AT
2024 Park Openings Dates and Concert Performances
Jeffrey Rubinoff wanted the Park to be a place for the appreciation of non-commodity values of art. As such, there is no charge for admittance, or for tours, concerts, or events.
The sculptures are permanently sited. They are not for sale, and cannot be shown in another museum or any other context.