The JRSP has supported the study of art since 2008, with major donations to the University of Cambridge and the University of Victoria, as well as through its ongoing Company of Ideas Forums that take place every year on Hornby Island. In early 2017 it endowed an Educational Programme to ‘advance the understanding and appreciation of art as a source of knowledge, and to raise awareness of the art of Jeffrey Rubinoff’, directed by Cambridge art historian Dr James Fox. This programme includes the Company of Ideas Forums, as well as an annual awards programme for a Postdoctoral Award, awards for Artists making works inspired by the collection, an Arts Educator support Fund and Guest Curatorships. In addition, the Educational Programme supports the research and publication of an ongoing publication series on art and knowledge. The first in the series is Art and Knowledge after 1900, edited by Drs. J. Fox, and V. Simoniti and published by Manchester University Press.

2025 Jeffrey Rubinoff Postdoctoral Award (Call Open until Feb 2, 2025)

On the subject of Art as a Sources of Knowledge

Aimed at early career researchers anywhere in the world, Postdoctoral Awards offer $7,000 CAD (roughly $5,100 USD or £3,900) to support research leading to one or more publications on any subject relating to art and knowledge. Themes might include but are not limited to the connections between visual art and cognition/understanding; digital technology and artificial intelligence; ethical/political issues; other fields of knowledge; and the sacred or numinous.

Click here for a PDF version of the 2025 JRSP Postdoctoral-Award application

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Eligibility and Requirements

  • Postdoctoral Awards are open to applicants from any discipline in the Arts or Sciences.
  • You are EITHER a graduate student in the latter stages of your PhD degree OR you have submitted your PhD thesis within three years of the application deadline.
  • The JRSP must be acknowledged in all publications resulting from the Award.
  • The JRSP requires copies of any published material to be offered to its archive, and made available for internal consultation and distribution.
  • You are required to present your research in person at the Company of Ideas Forum, which will take place at the Sculpture Park in Canada on 16-19 June 2025. All travel expenses will be covered.  

To apply

Applicants should submit the following:

  • Cover letter
  • CV/resumé
  • Name and contact details of one referee.
  • Research statement of no more than 1,000 words describing past, current and future research. Please indicate what output(s) will result from the Award.
  • A writing sample of no more than 10,000 words (this can be an excerpt from a doctoral dissertation or recent publication).

Applications should be submitted to by Sunday 2 February 2025.

Please direct queries to the JRSP’s curator

Residency Award for a Creative Work Inspired by the Sculpture Collection – ONGOING

Each year one travel and residency award with a value of $7000 CAD will co-fund the costs of travel to the park, limited residency, and production costs for a creative professional who wishes to make a creative work inspired by Rubinoff’s sculpture or thought. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are tailored to the circumstances of the creative proposal. To inquire please email: curator[AT]

Educators Study Visit and Group Travel Support Awards – Ongoing

The Park will support applications by suitably qualified educators for financial support to visit the park with the purpose of developing a workshop plan for tailored to a group they regularly convene, teach, or host. Travel subsidies are available as well to offset the costs of travel to Hornby Island for educational groups wishing to tour the park,  study the sculpture or undertake other educational events in relation to the sculpture collection. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are tailored to the circumstances of  the proposal. To inquire please email: curator[AT]

2024 Post Doctoral Awards Application Package